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Tara Brandner

Leaning on Your Faith

Advice: Lean on your faith and God’s unending love for you. Know that you are blessed to have God in your corner. He is always there for you, waiting for you to surrender your will to Him. I spent a lot of time wallowing in doubt and self-pity, feeling as though everything was falling apart. Overtime, I began to realize that I am not defined by my circumstances. I believe this is something every woman needs to realize on their own and in their own time. I know how hard the initial diagnosis can be and the realization that the path to start a family may not be as you planned, but with God on your side and your faith in your corner, you will be armed with the greatest power ever known.

Summary: Our journey to parenthood was nothing like we planned, but I wouldn’t have had it any other way. My husband and I were first married in 2014 and soon felt the desire to grow our family and welcome children into this world. In the spring of 2016, I suffered a ruptured cyst which would led to a series of tests and many doctors visits, before I was eventually diagnosed with endometriosis.

We first began to talk about adoption even before we were married. We have read so many successful adoption stories and knew that God was placing this call on our hearts. As we grew in our marriage and realized our path to parenthood might not be through a natural pregnancy, we began to contemplate even more our call towards adoption. We prayed about it often, searching for ways in which we wanted to expand our family. As time went on, we realized our calling was adoption and finally submitted our paperwork in July of 2017. For two years, we continued to pray for a miracle, surrendering our desires to God as we waited to see how He was going to grow our family.

In March of 2019, as we were continuing to pursue adoption, I felt the need to pray that my body be healed from the endometriosis and asked the Lord to soon bring a child into our lives. My husband and I prayed the “14 Verses for Your Two Week Wait,” from In Due, and to our surprise, we became pregnant that very same month! Fast forward a couple of weeks and we found out that God didn’t just bless us with one but TWO sweet miracles! Our miracle babies Hannah and Leo, were born in November 2019. Through it all, we were touched by God’s faithfulness and unending love for us as he fulfilled the desires of our hearts. What a beautiful journey it has been!

-Ashlee and Jay Cournia

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